Thursday, September 4, 2008

I felt the need to communicate to you all on this level regarding the current state of things. Know these points, concerning the upcoming 2008 Presidential election, this is from the perspective from someone who literally has no REAL voice in all this. I am not a citizen here but I am a permanent Resident and your votes as citizens DO affect the Permanent Residents who work here like you do, pay taxes like you do and suffer when you suffer at the hands of bad government

1. Your vote NO LONGER AFFECTS JUST YOU. It affects people like me as well.

2. If you do not believe in Government, PLEASE VOTE ANYWAY, if not for yourself then for your friends, family and people like me, you are our voice in this government because as a non citizen, I have no voice and no choice but to borrow yours. even if it is a useless practice, those republicans will not HESITATE to go and Vote, and if McCain and that devil woman Palini, Turkey Panini Sandwhich, whatever her name is gets into office this is what I fear will happen (as they have made CLEAR in their speeches and congressional and senate voting Records)

2a. They want to Reduce several parts of the Endangered Species ACT. Why you ask, so that they can do Drilling in Alaska for Oil amongts (the Act prevent several forms of PROFITABLE, not beneficial PROFITABLE projects from taking place) , that means displacing Inuit Tribes Living in many of those areas with Oil (and haven't we reduced the Inuits and Natives of america to enough reservations?) That means the reduction of land marked as Nature Reserves for these Endangered Species like Polar bears and the White Seas etc
I previously sent an article from BBC, and the Associated Press and other Media groups regarding this I can send that to any one that wishes.
2b. WOMEN WILL NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE. And I do not understand how this Presumptive Republican candidate for VP can give up her own right to choose AND on top of that Thoroughly Believe that other women should not have the right either. This is a Blatant disregard for the Right to pursue happiness, a blatant disregard that all are created equal, so basically its un-constitutional (not to mention in the 2000 Election She supported Right Wing Extremist PAT BUCHANA, think about that)
2c. They Want to mass develop Nuclear Energy Plants, the very thing this Entire Country Stood up and Protested in the 50’s 60’s and 70’s and Congress only responded once the Disaster in Chernobyl , Russia Happened. No American wants to see a Nuclear incident of that magnitude. To this day that entire are is not inhabited, Flora and Fauna have only just now returned in the last decade. Also remember Nuclear Power Plants have also been cited as Terrorists Targets. The Indian Point Facility in upstate NYC is one of the top ones as its destruction will poison the water supply to all of NYC plus my family lives near there, so I would lose My 2 younger brothers and my Father, I definitely DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, I do think about it every day! So should we really be thinking of making MORE TARGETS for them? Think about it. I do admit
2d. THEY WIll GO INTO IRAN. I cannot cite these sources as they spoke to me under anonymity. But do know this, the troops are already there, and the weapons are already aimed. Forget not that they failed in this effort to make America safe and keep Weapons of Mass Destruction out of the enemies hands i.e. North Korea has Nuclear Weapons and the means to deliver them right on our backs. But I guess a better question is did they really want to prevent it?
2e. Gays will definitely not have the right to marry, regardless of how I feel about it, I know this is unconstitutional.

4. It was OUR FAILURE, ALL OF US. We allowed all this to happen when we failed to take action in the 2000 election, Not enough of us protested, Not Enough of us Gave a F*ck, when the Grandson of the Nazi Money Launderer Prescott Bush was given the Presidency by the Electoral College (Though Gore had the Popular vote in the range of 200,000 more than Bush as I remember ) I hope we all stand up if we are robbed this time around.

And though John McCain is touted as a War Hero I don’t think that highly of the man. I would call him an Imperialist like no other. If you have seen the film the Hotel Hilton you have some knowledge of this (or is that Hotel Hanoi?) They were indeed all tortured, I guess in that sense they could be heroes. But do you know what they were tortured for? The Viet Cong wanted these soldiers to go on tape and admit that they KNEW the war on Vietnam was unjust and un warranted The US went into Vietnam to prevent the Spread of Communism and to keep America safe - now think of that in the terms of why the U.S. went into Iraq. What difference does a communist Vietnam make, sure as heck didn’t help the U.S.S.R stay around. They (with the help of the C.I.A) crumbled under their own imperialism which was a falsified Communism.

Back to McCain. He bravely withstood torture, (whippings, water torture, Bamboo Shoots in the finger nails etc…) because he did want to state his country was WRONG in invading Vietnam. That doesn't make a hero to me to stupidly maintain your country is right NO MATTER WHAT and that you would die for that belief.

Vietnam my friends cost over 30,000 deaths and casualties for the US and well over 500,000 deaths casualties etc for Vietnamese on Both sides, and I am not even thinking of all the cities bombed out of existence. It was only 1 decade after the Korean ‘Conflict’ as they thought me in school to say instead of Korean War. That War was the same reason as the Vietnam a decade later. To fight communism and Keep America safe.

Those Who do not learn from History are Doomed to Repeat it they say. We seem to have a lot of repeating, Spanish/American War, War of 1812, WW1, WW2, Korean War… Conflict, Vietnam War. The ‘COLD WAR’ now the WAR on TERROR’ which includes Gulf War 1 and Gulf War 2.

As a Jamaican born in the 80’s I am a child of this Col War. My Country was put into basically a civil war of its own right after it gained it so called independence from Britain. We believed in the Socialist Leader Norman Manley, who openly was willing to trade and socialize and develop with all Caribbean Countries, especially Fidel Castro's Socialist Cuba. So short side of this story, a Political opposition showed up that challenged that in every way. Not only that but Jamaicans all of a sudden (the poorest amongst them included) started warring with each other, somehow the poorest of the poor could afford M-16s and such to kill each other with. This violence continued from the 60s through to the 1980's. It nearly took Bob Marley from us as he refused to position himself with either side, as to Rasta these forms of Politics are representations of Babylon.

To this day my mother tells me of how an attack happened at the Clinic she was at while getting pre-natal care for myself, and how several ‘Gunmen’ (as Jamaicans refer to these cretins) stormed past shots firing, she says it was by the grace of God and Jah that she did not get hit by a Stray, she sometimes says it was me, but that’s another story for another day.

Continuing with me. I am in the process of getting my citizen ship FYI. It is a terrible expensive process, just to start is $695.00 for the application. My brother sent his request in to the US Department of Immigration under Homeland Security in February of this year. He hasn’t even received his application yet, think about that as well. I leave you with this question, why so long to send an application that costs $700.00?

Feel free to contact me at and I can cite my sources.

Here is a short list:
2. The Zeitgist Part 1.

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