Tuesday, December 14, 2010

L Mag: No Surprises Here: Bike Ridership Rose 13 Percent in 2010

Posted by Benjamin Sutton on Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 4:53 PM

Bike ridership rises in 2010
The New York City Department of Transportation has just released its annual report on bike ridership rates in the city (PDF here), and their figures show a 13 percent increase from 2009. The statistics are based on riders counted during weekday surveys between 7am and 7pm at six strategic points bike commuters typically ride through: the Brooklyn, Manhattan, Williamsburg and Queensboro Bridges, the Staten Island Ferry and the Hudson River Greenway at 50th Street. bike lanes must be working: this marks the fourth consecutive year of double-digit percentage growth in ridership rates. Next up: How 'bout some bike highways? (StreetsBlog; image: BikeBlog)

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