Thursday, March 10, 2011


I was having lunch with a landscaper the other day and she told a story about how meter readers are discovering little colonies of frogs and salamanders in the dark and dank places where meters for homes and businesses are often located. This was apparently a sign of something, but I missed the moral of the story because I kept thinking about parting the overgrown grass surrounding a meter and seeing some shaky looking baby frogs hiding out in an Anne Frank-ish way. People exchange stories of these sorts of recent developments and deliver them with an intensity that warns “heads up, we’re probably all gonna die soon. There are frogs living in the spare tire in the trunk of my car.”
I have been adding up, and sharing clues involving what I can only assume is an inevitable zombie apocalypse. I recently went to the library to reserve some books that my local branch didn’t carry, and one of them was The Walking Dead Compendium: Volume 1. I was both shocked and annoyed to find that after completing my reservation, I was informed that I was 15th in line to receive that book. That very night, while making my rounds on Facebook, I found the following exchange on a friend’s profile:
Friend: Oh man, I’ve been watching The Walking Dead and it rules.
Commenter: Zombies are no longer the “hot” monster of choice. Everyone likes werewolves now.
Friend: Why does everyone have to shit on everything??
Commenter #2: Zombies are over!!!!

Read the rest at Vice Magazine: ZOMBIES ARE OVER - Viceland Today 

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