Friday, April 29, 2011

Are Atheists Realists?

Personally I was an Atheist, taking to view that the scriptures of ALL religions were literally re-tellings of the same story, i.e.  Jesus, Dionysus, Horus all being born of Virgins around the Winter Solstice then killed in a religious ceremony when they were 30 only to then rise from the dead 3 days after and other stories.  

Now I am certain of the opposite, that THERE IS A DIETY, though I am much more scientific than ethereal or spiritual about it.  And I also dare say they're all the same dang thing, Mother Nature, Gaia, Jesus, You, Morgan Freeman/Jim Carey, Zarathustra, Vishna, Superman etc.  are all the same Omnificient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent being.  What caused my complete turn around are a number of personal revelations which led me to ask this question in the first place.

1. Realizing the impossible was possible. For instance infinity is an immeasurable amount impossible to count yet a possible conclusion in mathematical formulae.  Also at one point, tracking the speed of light was impossible, now we think we have a handle on it at least its propogational speed.  Similarly we're trying to determine the propogational speed of Gravity SR (Einstein Theory of Relativity) says its infinite while LR (Lorentzian Relativity) says its finite. 

2. Accepted science through time has been disproven many times over by NEW science, i.e. the World being flat to Tera Centric vs Helio Centric view of the Universe, to the 4 elements turning into the Periodic Table to the relatively new field of Dark Matter science.  
 So we can't say for certain some things are not miracles of an ethereal nature or a matter of scientific marvel.  We could find out that the world is not Round at all either and just that our ability/inability to perceive space time results in a curvature idealogy to things.  All existence could just be a linear non linear line, in a perfect circle, chinese staircase, pentagonal, oval, trapezoid Cube Pyramid, Volkswaagen Hyundai, Delorian.  vrooom

3.  The very similarities in all the religious scriptures could possibly be tellings of the same story developing completely new arcs through thousands of years of retelling.  For instance the New Testament was not written until 300 years after the events of the New testament, remember literacy was rare in these ancient times.  Seriously, tyhink about it, just reflect back to your school days when you played a game of telephone, how often did something like "The Cat in the Hat" become  "Catch that".  
 And thats amongst a closed group in a controlled environment with similar peoples, imagine the same story retold multiple times by Village elders to parents to kids to their friends, back to parents to drunks, half deaf people French to German to Latin to Egyptian. Without going back what exactly did I say in Realization 1, retype it and see if you got it exactly (don't cheat). 

This left me thinking they could ALL be true.  One possibility that allows for this can be seen in fictional story (or is it? dunhh dunhh dunhhh!) the modern version of Galactica, where 12 space faring colonies of peoples all believing in Gods similar to the Greek/Romans Gods and had colonies aligned under said Gods, warred with another group that believed in One God (whome at the same time warred amongst themselves on who and what that One God is) and they all eventually found out that peace and settling on what is now Earth was THE only way for ANY of them to survive.  That story alone accounts for Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Scientologists, Hebrew, Greek and Roman beliefs etc.

The question I now put forth regarding Atheism and Realism (is that how you state this?) stems from my inability to say yes or no to the existence of god with utter certainty.  With this lack of certainty in mind MY (and mine alone) realistic view on this is I can't be a realist and say I am an Atheist.

Now as the entire human race has sections of Atheists, Christians, Religious Fanatics etc I can say with some degree of certainty the objective point of view is closer to mine, the popular reality is not sure there is a God - and as Atheism requires you to be certain there isn't one - then you can't be both. You could take to the old saying here  "You can't have your cake and eat it too"

Now whatever YOUR beliefs are religion wise, (this is a discourse on realism and not a challenge to your religion or lack there of*) My question is 
Are Atheists true realists?
and subsequently 
- Is my subjective understanding of  Atheism and Realism right to say an Atheist cannot call them self a Realist? 
- Is REALITY so subjective that known science, religion or lack there of allow you to be both?
- Are the many many many recorded tales of miracles, ghosts etc that cannot be explained by known science enough to allude to facts of God's existence there by the Atheist is ignoring facts and as such is a non Realist? 

*I apologize to anyone I tagged here if your offended in any way.  If this casts any doubt upon you via any Dogma you may follow, let me know and I will untag you and exclude from any such future conversations. I did not mean to offend.  This is a part of my life long quest for knowledge and social understanding.

** This note is friends only so speak Frankly without fear of reprisals from your priest, your boss, your mom or the evil monkey in your closet.***Goes without saying as I have tagged some people from the cuirous to the scientific to the ethereal, don't be rude to one another or yourself. 

sources: Other scripture from The Zeitgeist, Life and heresay  

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